Saturday, October 26, 2013

Breakfast  and Snacks Provided

Other than the fruit and vegetable program that I discussed in my previous blog, my school district is funded by the state to provide the kindergarten students with breakfast and a snack every single day.  I think that this is a great way to make sure that each and every student can be fed and not sitting in class starving.  There are so many outside factors that can keep a student from learning and hungar is one of thise factors.  Every morning the students walk in and grab a breakfast item and a juice.  If a student does not want to eat, he or she is not forced to take anything.  Some students never take a breakfast item because they have already eaten breakfast at home.  The before lunch snack is also another great idea to keep the students focused.  In my class, the students do not go to lunch until 12:30.  From 7:30 to 12:30 is a long time not to eat, so having the school provide sancks is amazing.  Almost every student, every day will take his or her snack and juice.  It is a pleasure to know that this program is funded to well deserved students.

Healthy Ideas

My kindergarten school is located in Lakewood and has a great program to introduce a healthy lifestyle for the children.  Every Friday the whole school gets a vegetable or fruit of the week and is distrubuted to every classroom.  The teachers will hand out the fruit or vegetable to each student so they can have the chance to try a healthy snack.  I love that the state funds this program because it gives the chance for young children to be introduced to a healthy alternative snack.  My teacher is very good with getting the students to at least try the fruit or vegetable.  When there is fruits or vegetables left over, the teacher picks a student to bring home the bag of left overs.  It is refreshing to see that the school does not waste the food and it gives the students who really love what they are eating an opportunity to bring it home and share with his or her family.

iPads in the classroom

In my kindergarten class, iPads give the children motivation to act accordingly because the students who do their work and do not get in trouble get to go on the iPads during class.  I over hear the students telling each other to "keep quiet and be good" because they are so excited to see who will be selected to use the iPad.  This is great way to integrate technology into the kindergarten class.  By doing this, it creates a motivation factor for the students to behave well and the prize is actually educationally appropriate. The students can also use the iPad during their learning centers, it is primarily one student at this center and he or she can naviagte through the iPad and play games.  I am glad that the school is funded to allow these children the opportunity to be familiar with technology.

Technology in kindergarten

After I have observed a couple of weeks in my kindergarten school, I have observed that technology is integrated even in the kindergarten level.  Every Friday the students will go to computers (their special for the day) and they will interact with computer games and videos.  This surprised be because my class has 28 students and some are still only 4 1/2 years old!  The students love being in the computer lab, especially when they get to interact with the computers.  It is very rewarding to see that these children, as young as they are, can handle the responsibility that technology brings.